The development direction of hardware production and circulation in the Internet era


Recently, with the theme of the development direction of hardware production and circulation in the Internet era, the 54th World Hardware Conference once again entered China, entered Shanghai, and opened in the China National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) International Hotel. This is the highest level event in the global hardware industry, and also an important platform for international hardware peers to communicate, exchange and convey information.

Recently, with the theme of the development direction of hardware production and circulation in the Internet era, the 54th World Hardware Conference once again entered China, entered Shanghai, and opened in the China National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) International Hotel. This is the highest level event in the global hardware industry, and also an important platform for international hardware peers to communicate, exchange and convey information. The successful holding of this conference allows the world to once again focus on the Chinese hardware products industry, but also lets the Chinese hardware products industry to a new height, once again look at the world, attract opportunities, and deepen the international cooperation and integration. Shi Sanglan, chairman of the 54th World Hardware Congress and chairman of China Hardware Products Association, said: At the time when China's economic development is attracting global attention and the transformation and upgrading of hardware manufacturing industry is accelerating, the World Hardware Congress is more significant. We would like to take this opportunity to show the world the new style of Chinese hardware industry, a new look.

Specifications High Ronghui world top hardware information

This conference is the highest standard event in domestic hardware industry. Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Zhang Chonghe, President of China Light Industry Association served as the honorary chairman of the conference. Shi Shenglan, director general of China Hardware Products Association served as the chairman of the conference. Members and associate members from 13 countries, including the United States, Germany, France, China, the United Kingdom, Australia and Sweden, attended the conference.

And the arrangement of the conference was unprecedented. At the meeting, Xin Guobin, honorary chairman of the conference and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, made a report on China's macroeconomic development trend and manufacturing industry policy.   European DIY Retailers Association Secretary General Lebak to introduce the development of European retail industry and Alibaba senior Vice President, Ali Cloud CEO Hu Xiaoming to China's Internet industry status and development trend report. Representatives from 8 IHA member countries, including China, the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia and Japan, made economic and industrial development reports to exchange ideas and explore new development directions of the hardware industry.

During the conference, China Hardware Products Association also arranged for the participants to visit the Boss Electrical Appliances of intelligent manufacturing demonstration enterprises identified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 2017 China International Hardware Exhibition, China International Kitchen Expo and so on.

The Centenary Conference will be held in Shanghai again

The World Hardware Conference has a long history. This year marks the 108th year since the World Hardware Conference was first held in Paris in 1909. For more than 100 years, the World Hardware Congress has been held in rotation among the member countries of the International Federation of Hardware and Homeware Associations (IHA), covering Europe, Asia, North America, South America and other continents. Before China joined IHA, the members of the organization were all developed countries. Until the end of the last century, China's rapid development of hardware industry attracted the attention of the world, showing the amazing Chinese speed for the world, and also brought excellent hardware products and a huge hardware market to the world. Seeing the growth and future of Chinese hardware, IHA quickly offered olive branches from international organizations to China.

After several visits and exchanges of information, in 2000, at the invitation of the Council, China Hardware Products Association joined IHA on behalf of China, taking the first step to integrate into the world Organization. As China's strength increases, the curiosity of international counterparts about China gradually deepens, and the demand for first-hand experience of the development of the Chinese industry is increasing. At this time, the call for China to hold the conference is increasingly high.

Hardware strength is world-renowned

In recent years, the development of the manufacturing industry, as the focus of the national economy, has been vigorously supported and cultivated, including a series of major policies and policies such as "Made in China 2025", the three products strategy of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and supply-side reform, which have put forward specific directions and goals for the development of the industry. The 11 categories of products in the hardware industry are related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and are closely related to people's lives. As a traditional manufacturing industry, the hardware products industry actively responds to and implements the government's policies, and further deepens the structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading by deeply promoting the industry's quality, brand and efficiency.

In recent years, under the guidance of the policy and industry, the hardware industry has made great progress in the deep transformation. The annual output value of the industry exceeds 1.5 trillion yuan, and the total annual import and export amount reaches 120 billion US dollars. Especially in the first half of 2017, the foreign import and export trade of Chinese hardware products in the first half of the year maintained a high proportion of growth. Customs statistics show that in January and June 2017, the total import and export volume of our hardware products industry was 60.942 billion US dollars, with a year-on-year growth of 11.00%. Among them: the cumulative export volume of US $50.064 billion, a year-on-year growth of 12.30%, 21.32 percentage points higher than the same period last year; The cumulative import volume reached US $10.877 billion, up 5.42% year-on-year and 9.69 percentage points higher than the same period last year.

The growth of data really reflects the trend and future of the industry development. It also reflects the in-depth development of the Chinese market, especially in the era of the Internet, the industry and circulation are being promoted intelligently, the integration of information technology and industrialization is intensifying, and more and more automatic equipment and electronic information management system are being used in industrial enterprises, including products are also realizing the intelligent transformation of the Internet of things and Internet, as well as the online market brought by e-commerce. It is also growing exponentially year by year

It is this new development and change that has more attracted the favor of international counterparts, so that they once again issued the call and expectation to go to China.

Invited to host active preparation

After confirming that China will host the World Hardware Conference, China Hardware Products Association has carried out a series of intense and practical work: in 2016, it sent promotion teams to the UK, Germany, France, the United States and other relevant countries to promote the conference, introduce the development of China's hardware industry, and invite local industry, circulation and other entrepreneurs and representatives to attend the conference; The organizing committee has been set up to determine the organizational structure of the conference, and five working groups including industry, foreign affairs, data, news and conference affairs have been set up to discuss and clarify the agenda of the conference, invite influential speakers, and carry out a series of organized and systematic work such as the registration of the conference.

After careful preparation and operation of all staff, an unparalleled hardware event finally met with global counterparts.

Conference chairman Shi Sanglan said that the conference held, marking that China's hardware manufacturing industry, under the guidance of the "Made in China 2025" national industrial policy, is gradually narrowing the gap with developed countries, is taking a key step from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power, also marks the process of economic globalization, Chinese hardware has become one of the indispensable members in the world's hardware industry.
